Saturday, April 24, 2010

My favorite time of year!

it's my favorite time of year. (i actually could probably say that at every change in season...because i do love something about every season) the days are getting longer - everything is turning green. we've been working the soil to get ready for my garden. this is our 4th summer in Merom, IN and each year I've done a little more as far as gardening, harvesting & preserving. I really enjoy all of it and learn more and more everyday. I am always eager to try something new. for instance last year was my first time using a pressure canner - I wonder what I will try this year?

Last spring we got 25 chicks! It has been such a pleasure raising them, eating the eggs & even selling the eggs. i have to give zach all the credit on the chickens & eggs. i don't get out there with them two often. but i have tried all kinds of new recipes that call for lots of eggs. We actually have a demand for our free ranged brown eggs. you sure can tell a difference in our eggs and any white egg you buy at the grocery. They sell for $2.00 a dozen. we did some research and read that the more grass a chicken eats the hire their eggs are in omega 3. so, of course, we feed them lots of fresh cut grass. This year we decided to get more chickens meat birds & layers. I thought it would be fun to trying raising some birds to eat. no hormones here - or medicine or any of that. just birds running around having fun and eating healthy. we got a total of 24 more birds. we increased their area giving them more freedom! and it gave me more of my garden area back...and it is going to be some very fertile soil after having my chickens in it.

i started planted the garden last weekend. zach tilled my first area up for me. I like a garden right out back where i can run out in the middle of cooking to gather some last minute things. i planted some new veggies i've never planted before. brussell sprouts, cabbage, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet banana peppers, jalepeno peppers, cherry tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, celebrity tomatoes and more. I wanted a wide variety in this small garden.

we are in the process of building some raised garden beds for me this year. i normally plant 3 basic herbs - cilantro, basil & oregano...but this year i wanted an entire herb garden...they are going to be planted in raised beds in my backyard around the garage. i wanted an "edible landscape" - this way i figure it will make the garage look better landscaped - and smell really good near the back patio. i can't wait to get these plants in the ground! i've been stocking up!

my neighbor John-Dick and I worked together in the garden a lot last year. he has trouble harvesting the small i would pick for him and then myself - we also share a lot of recipes for canning. this year we decided to put out a garden together. we were suppose to do some planting today but it is raining, that will have to wait. this garden is where my bulk tomatoes, green beans, sweet peppers, hot peppers, peas, zuchini, cucumbers, etc... will go.

gardening is so rewarding for me. i can't wait to share the ups & downs of my gardening experiences with you.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog! It is so funny, when we were little I would never have thought of you as a small town country girl or me as a big city girl...funny how things change, and how we adapt!!!! :) :) I am so happy for you!
