Monday, May 24, 2010

Stay at home Mom

On most days my job title would be a "stay-at-home-mom" on others days I am off working some odd job. You just never know with me. I like learning new things. The other day I heard Zach describe me to someone at the tavern...he said: "don't just give Jen fish, teach her to fish." I liked that. He is right. I enjoy learning new things and figuring things out. If someone else can go to the pond and bring home dinner, I can go to the pond and bring home dinner! I want to learn.

Over a year ago I applied for the Post Master Relief position at the Post office in Merom. I figured I had to do it...there are only a handful of jobs in tihs town and i just couldn't pass this one up. Even though i was pregnant with my third son at the time I interviewed for the position... i just had to get my foot in the door. I got the job - I have been working every Saturday morning since for 3 hours. I also fill in whenever the postmaster needs off.

On Thursday my boss called me for a temporary position at the Fairbanks post office to be Officer in Charge. The postmaster has been out of the office on medical leave...and again I just couldn't pass it up. So I've scheduled babysitters and went to work! I am running this post office about 15 minutes north of my house. and although i will miss my kids while i am at work during the day i still know in the back of my head that it is just temporary and then i get to go back to being a stay-at-home mom/marykay lady/pie baker/waitress! You see I know that if I put in my time now filling in where I can that eventually it will pay off for me if I ever want to go full time with the postal service.

It's all about the Back-up-plan. I think there needs to be something on the back burner - just in case. I guess I am one of those people who just can't sit still...I like to be involved & doing something, whatever it is!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yum! Strawberry Jam

Just finished my first batch of strawberry jam! It puts me in the best mood! I love the fact that preserving season has officially started for me. I decided to make my first batch "Sugar Free!" To some people I know that probably doesn't sound good...but I love the taste of fresh strawberries and don't believe they need all of that extra sugar. and i don't mind sugar free jam...i figure it's better for you - especially for my grandpa who is diabetic. i still have a bunch of berries washed and ready to go...i will probably bake a pie or custard and then move on to the real full of sugar jam!

making jam is really pretty easy & so rewarding!
I used
crystal cut 8 oz ball jars.
1 packet of sugar free pectin (the powdered kind in a box)
1 cup of 100% grape juice (with no sugar added.)

I washed and hulled my berries (approx. 2 quarts)
I then placed the first quart in a pot and smashed them with my potato masher
then added the next quart and mashed them as well.
then added 1 cup of grape juice
then add the pectin
stir cont. until the mixture comes to a full boil.
once mix reaches a full boil cook 1 minute more while cont. stirring.
then turn off heat, remove foam from top of mix and fill aprox. 6 clean & hot jelly jars.

i filled all jars according to preserving guidelines leaving a 1/4 inch head space.
then removed any air bubbles
placed lids & rings on and processed in a water bath canner for 10 minutes!

So simple! - and now i have six jars of jam perfect for gifts or for my family & i to eat!!

What do you think it would have cost me at the grocery store to buy six - 8 ounce jars of SUGAR FREE STRAWBERRY JAM? not to mention it's organic too! No chemicals where used on these berries~

A Coon Gets our Baby Chickens!

Today I went out to the chicken coop to feed them the hulls I cut from my strawberries. As I walked up to the fence I saw 4 of my "meat birds" laying dead...and covered in flies...i panned their area and also saw one of our small buffs, one of my favorites the polish crested, and a silver lace wyndot...all dead...I hate that sooo much...I called Zach at work and when he came home he did some investigating a narrowed it down to coon(s). I figure there must have been more than one since everyone one of our babies from this spring was missing! Zach said that coons usually just eat the head off the bird and leave the rest and that was the case for the birds left in the yard... but I cannot account for the other 18 birds! We figure that once the coon killed them owls probably swooped in and carried off what they could! I know this is kind of sick...but I guess it is a fact of "farming"...It's times like this that I don't love the whole "country girl" thing! All of our larger birds appear to be o.k. although they pretty much stayed inside the coop today...they must be somewhat scared over what happened last night...I imagine it was pretty gruesome!

Those Polish Crested birds where so cool looking...I need to look through my camera to see if I have a picture of them! I picked these two birds out...they were black and on the top of their heads they had a little fro of a little puff ball! What a shame!

Monday, May 10, 2010

first batch of strawberries!

On Mother's Day morning the boys and I went and picked strawberries. We have picked strawberries the last five years. I usually freeze some of the berries whole as well as can yummy strawberry jam. This year Ty & Ike & I took our Easter baskets down to John's house...he had tons of berries...I had my entire basket full (mine is the biggest) Ty's was half full (his was the middle sized) and I look over and Ike's basket is completely empty - but his little face was red & juicy! He ate all the berries instead of putting them in his basket! We came home and have eaten quite a few...the rest will make our first batch of jam! There is nothing like homemade jam. This year I have decided to make Sugar Free Jam! Mainly because I love strawberries so much that I don't need I think the flavor of the Jam would be just as good without all that added sugar!! I also need to make my cousin Eddy a fresh Strawberry Pie...he's been asking me for once since Thanksgiving...I wonder if I could mail it to him? So looks like tomorrow will be the first day to start preserving and storing...stocking the pantry! I will upload some pictures of our strawberry picking and my garden ASAP...I've got to get a new battery for my camera since mine has seem to go missing. :)